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style_type(optional) to define the style of the visual helper. Use and Style ID from below. Defaults to mint-green-12.
variant(optional) Defines the semantic purpose and subsequently the style of the visual helper. Will take precedence over the style_type prop
spacing(optional) will add spacing around the given content. If true, then large is used. See the available sizes. Defaults to false.
element(optional) define what HTML element should be used. Defaults to <section>.
inner_ref(optional) by providing a React Ref we can get the internally used element (DOM). E.g. inner_ref={myRef} by using React.createRef() or React.useRef().
Space(optional) spacing properties like top or bottom are supported.


InfoNeutral, informational.
ErrorIndicates an erroneous state.
WarningDraws attention to a potential problem that may or may not require an action on the user's part.
SuccessIndicates a successful state.


You can easily customize the color.

mint-green-12(default) uses --color-mint-green-12.
whiteuses --color-white.
mint-greenuses --color-mint-green.
lavenderuses --color-lavender.
sand-yellowuses --color-sand-yellow.
pistachiouses --color-pistachio.
black-3uses --color-black-3.
emerald-greenuses --color-emerald-green.
fire-reduses --color-fire-red. Is used by GlobalStatus
divideruses --color-white as background with a border-line on top and bottom.
transparentCSS transparent. Used in situations where a Section is of interest, but without a color as a basis.